Binary to Decimal Converter

Convert any Binary number to Decimal Number Calculator

An insight on Binary to Decimal conversion

Binary numbers are fundamental to computer science and technology, as they are the basic building blocks of all digital systems. In a binary system, there are only two possible values for each digit: 0 or 1. A binary number system makes it easy for computers to process and store data, as they only need to understand two states: on and off. However, understanding and working with binary can be tricky for humans. A binary-to-decimal converter makes the process of converting binary to decimal easy.

This blog post will explore converting binary numbers to their decimal equivalents. We will cover both manual methods and online tools, as well as how to convert binary to a decimal using different programming languages. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of converting binary to decimal and the various methods available.

Understanding the Conversion Process

Converting binary to decimal can seem daunting at first. Still, with some understanding of the process, it becomes pretty simple. The process involves calculating the value of each binary digit and adding the results together to get the decimal equivalent.

Here's a step-by-step process for manually converting a binary number to a decimal:

  • Write down the binary number you wish to convert.
  • Starting from the rightmost digit, assign the value of 1 to the first the value of 2n to every next digit that is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and so on, where n is the position of the digit from the right.
  • Add up all the values you assigned in step 2, whose corresponding binary digit's value is '1', to get the decimal equivalent.

For example, if we want to convert the binary number "1011" to decimal, we would do the following:

  • Write down the binary number "1011".
  • Assign the values:
    1 * (23) = 8
    0 * (22) = 0
    1 * (21) = 2
    1 * (20) = 1
  • Add up the values from step 2: 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11

Understanding the conversion process allows you to convert binary to decimal quickly and easily.

Online Binary to Decimal Converters

In addition to manual calculations, various online tools and resources are available for converting binary to decimal. These online converters make the conversion process quick and easy. They can be handy for large or complex binary numbers.

Among many popular online binary-to-decimal converters tools, binary-to-decimal convert offers a simple, easy-to-use interface to handle small and large binary numbers. FromToTools offers a variety of conversion tools like binary to octal, binary to hex, binary to ASCII, and binary-to-decimal converters, as well as converters for other bases such as hexadecimal and octal and mathematical tools.

When choosing an online converter, it's essential to consider the features that are important to you. Some converters may need help with the size of the binary numbers they can handle.
It's also important to note that some online converters are more reliable than others, so it's a good idea to check the reviews and ratings of a converter before using it.

Using this binary-to-decimal converter, you can quickly, reliably, and easily convert binary numbers to decimals without requiring manual calculations.

Binary to Decimal Conversion in Programming

Converting binary to decimal is common for developers, as many programming languages provide built-in functions and libraries. This section will explore binary conversion to a decimal using a few different programming languages.

You can use Python's built-in int() function to convert a binary number to decimal. The function takes two arguments: the binary number as a string and the base (in this case, 2 for binary).

binary_number = "1011"
decimal_number = int(binary_number, 2)
print(decimal_number) # Output: 11

In Java, the Integer class provides a parseInt() method, which converts a binary number to a decimal. The method takes two arguments, the first being the binary number as a string and the second being the base (in this case, 2 for binary).

String binary_number = "1011";
int decimal_number = Integer.parseInt(binary_number, 2);
System.out.println(decimal_number); // Output: 11

Similarly, C++ provides the built-in function strtol(), which can convert a binary number to decimal. It takes three arguments; the first is the string representation of a binary number, the second is the address of the pointer to the character immediately following the last processed character, and the last is the base which is 2 in the case of binary to decimal conversion.

string binary_number = "1011";
int decimal_number = strtol(binary_number.c_str(), nullptr, 2);
cout << decimal_number; // Output: 11

You can easily integrate this functionality into your projects and applications by understanding how to convert binary to a decimal using different programming languages. It's also worth noting that many programming languages support more complex libraries like GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library) for handling large number conversion and other complex mathematical operations.

In conclusion, by understanding how to convert binary to a decimal using different programming languages, you can easily integrate this functionality into your projects and applications and handle large numbers conversions and other complex mathematical operations.


In this blog post, we have explored the process of converting binary numbers to their decimal equivalents. We have covered manual methods, online tool use, and how to convert binary to a decimal using different programming languages.

We have seen how binary numbers are the foundation of digital systems and how converting binary to decimal can be challenging for humans. We have also learned several ways to convert binary to decimal, from manual calculations to online converters and built-in functions in different programming languages.

It's important to note that understanding binary-to-decimal conversion is essential for anyone working with computers and digital systems.
Whether you're a student, a developer, or someone who wants to understand better how computers work, knowing how to convert binary to decimal is valuable.

In conclusion, this article has provided a solid understanding of converting binary to decimal and the various methods available.

Prof. Waino Pagac
Prof. Waino Pagac

Professor Waino Pagac, an esteemed expert in computer science and mathematics, and the brilliant mind behind this comprehensive guide on number systems. With a wealth of knowledge and years of experience in academia and research.