Binary to Hex Converter

Convert any Binary number to Hex Number Calculator

Some light on Binary to Hex

In the digital world, binary and hexadecimal are the most commonly used number systems. Binary uses only two digits (0 and 1) to represent numbers, while hexadecimal uses sixteen digits (0-9 and A-F). These number systems are widely used in computer programming, digital electronics, and other fields that involve working with digital data.

However, there are times when it is necessary to convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number or vice versa. For example, some computer programming languages use hexadecimal for representing colors or memory addresses. Similarly, certain electronic devices may display or accept input in hexadecimal format. In such cases, a binary-to-hex converter comes in handy.

A binary-to-hex converter is a tool that allows you to easily convert a binary number to its corresponding hexadecimal number. It can be done either manually or using an online calculator.

Using such a converter is relatively straightforward and can save time and effort. In this blog post, we will look closer at a binary-to-hex converter, how it works, and how to use it effectively, whether you are a computer programmer, an electronics engineer, or someone who wants to understand binary and hexadecimal number systems better.

What is a Binary to Hex Converter

A binary-to-hex converter is a tool that allows you to convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number or a hexadecimal number to a binary number. It can be done either manually or using an online calculator.

When using an online binary-to-hex converter, enter the binary or hexadecimal number you wish to convert, and the calculator will do the rest. If you want to convert a binary number to hexadecimal, enter the binary number and select the "binary to hex" option. The calculator will then convert the binary number to its corresponding hexadecimal number. If you want to convert a hexadecimal number to binary, enter the hexadecimal number and select the "hex to binary" option. The calculator will then convert the hexadecimal number to its corresponding binary number.

On the other hand, manual conversion is the process of grouping the binary digits into groups of four and then converting each group to its corresponding hexadecimal value. For example, if the binary number is 11010101, it can be grouped into the following four-digit groups: 1101 and 0101. 

Then these groups are converted to their corresponding hexadecimal digits: D, 5. Thus, the binary number 11010101 is equivalent to the hexadecimal number D5.
Manual conversion can be useful in some situations but time-consuming and error-prone. An online binary-to-hex converter is generally more convenient and accurate, especially for large or complex numbers.

In summary, a binary-to-hex converter is a versatile tool that can convert between binary and hexadecimal number systems, which can be useful in various applications. Whether you use an online calculator or do the conversion manually, a binary-to-hex converter is valuable.

How to use a Binary to Hex Converter

Using a binary-to-hex converter is relatively straightforward. Here are the steps to convert a binary number to hexadecimal using an online calculator:

  1. Go to a website that offers ( a binary-to-hex converter tool.
  2. In the input field, enter the binary number you want to convert.
  3. Select the "binary to hex" option.
  4. Click on the "convert" button.
  5. The calculator will display the equivalent hexadecimal number.

It is also possible to convert numbers using the built-in functionality of some programming languages, like Python; you can use built-in functions like hex() and bin() to convert numbers.

It's important to note that when converting a number to another number system, the output may not have the same number of digits as the input. For example, a binary number 8 digits long will only sometimes be equivalent to a hexadecimal number 8 digits long.

Double-checking the input and output when using a converter is also important, as a small mistake in the input data can lead to incorrect results.
Using a binary-to-hex converter is a simple process that saves you time and effort. With just a few clicks, you can easily convert between binary and hexadecimal number systems, which can be useful in various applications.

Manual Conversion of Binary to Hex

While an online calculator is the easiest way to convert binary to hex, it is also possible to do the conversion manually. The manual conversion process involves grouping the binary digits into groups and then converting each group to its corresponding hexadecimal value.

For example, if the binary number is 11010101, it can be grouped into the following four-digit groups: 1101 and 0101. Each group is then converted to its corresponding hexadecimal digit: D, 5. Thus, the binary number 11010101 is equivalent to the hexadecimal number D5.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to convert a binary number to hexadecimal manually:

  1. Write down the binary number that you want to convert.
  2. Add leading zeroes to the binary number so that it is divisible by 4 (e.g., 11010101 becomes 0011010101).
  3. Divide the binary number into groups of 4 digits (e.g., 0011, 0101, 0101).
  4. Convert each group of 4 digits to its corresponding hexadecimal number using a conversion table (e.g., 0011 = 3, 0101 = 5, 0101 = 5).
  5. Combine the hexadecimal digits to form the final hexadecimal number (e.g., 3, 5, 5 = 35).

Manual conversion can be useful, especially when working with limited resources or when an online calculator is unavailable. However, it can be time-consuming and error-prone. Therefore, it's important to double-check the calculations and the final result.

Manual conversion also has the advantage of helping you to understand the relationship between binary and hexadecimal number systems, which can help you understand digital computing in general.

In summary, manual binary conversion to hex is useful but can be time-consuming and error-prone. An online converter such as this one and Hex to Binary are generally more convenient and accurate, especially for large or complex numbers. However, manual conversion can be helpful in certain situations or to better understand the relationship between binary and hexadecimal number systems.


In this blog post, we have discussed the importance of binary and hexadecimal number systems in digital computing and the usefulness of a binary-to-hex converter tool. We have explained how to perform conversion with an online tool as well as manually.

Using a binary-to-hex converter is a simple process that can save you a lot of time and effort. You can easily convert binary and hexadecimal number systems with just a few clicks. Manual conversion can also be useful in certain situations or to better understand the relationship between binary and hexadecimal number systems.

In conclusion, understanding binary and hexadecimal number systems and being able to convert between them are important for anyone working with digital computing. A binary-to-hex converter is a useful tool that can make this process easy and efficient. Whether you use an online calculator or do the conversion manually, a binary-to-hex converter is valuable.


Prof. Waino Pagac
Prof. Waino Pagac

Professor Waino Pagac, an esteemed expert in computer science and mathematics, and the brilliant mind behind this comprehensive guide on number systems. With a wealth of knowledge and years of experience in academia and research.