Maximum UUID Generator


The UUID Max is a special type of UUID where all bits are set to their maximum possible value. This creates a UUID that represents the upper limit of the UUID value range, making it the opposite of the UUID Nil (which is all zeros).

What is a UUID Max?

A UUID Max is a universally unique identifier where every bit is set to 1, resulting in the following value:


This UUID is often used for boundary testing or as a placeholder to represent the "largest" possible UUID value in certain systems.

How to Use Our UUID Max Generator

Our UUID Max generator allows you to quickly generate this special type of UUID, with customization options similar to other UUID versions:

  1. UUID Formatting

    • Uppercase: Toggle this option to convert your UUID Max to uppercase.

    • Include Hyphens: Choose whether to include hyphens in your output format.

  2. Bulk Generation:

    Need more than one UUID Max? Increase the count to generate multiple Max UUIDs at once.

Results and Download Options

Once you’ve generated your UUID Max values, you can:

  • Download: Save them as a text file for easy storage.
  • Copy: Quickly copy them to your clipboard for immediate use.

Why Use UUID Max?

  • Boundary Testing: When testing systems, UUID Max is useful for checking how the maximum possible value is handled.
  • Placeholder: You can use it as a special marker in systems where a UUID is needed, representing a "maximum" state.


Our tool provides flexibility in formatting and allows bulk generation, making it easy to work with UUID Max values.

Meet Alexia Reynolds. She loves to write about AI, new technology, and staying healthy. Alexia is known for her work on FromToTools, where she shares the latest trends in these areas. She also enjoys traveling and is passionate about creating content that everyone can enjoy and learn from.