UUID Generator V1

If you're looking for a reliable and easy-to-use UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) generator, you're in the right place. Our latest tool lets you generate Version 1 UUIDs with customization options, making it perfect for developers, IT professionals, and anyone who needs a unique identifier.

Generate Unique UUIDs with Our Version 1 Generator

Welcome to our UUID Version 1 generator tool! This utility makes it easy to generate unique Version 1 UUIDs, with options to customize the details or let the tool handle everything for you.

How to Use This Tool

  1. Custom Inputs:
    • Want to enter your own MAC address, date and time, nanoseconds, or clock sequence? Check the box next to each input to enable it.
    • Prefer not to bother? Leave them unchecked, and the tool will generate random values for you.

  2. UUID Formatting:
    • Uppercase: Toggle this option to convert your UUIDs to uppercase.
    • Include Hyphens: Choose whether to include hyphens in your UUIDs.

  3. Bulk Generation:

Results and Download Options

Once your UUIDs are generated, you can:

  • Download: Save them as a text file.
  • Copy: Quickly copy them to your clipboard.

This tool provides flexibility, whether you're generating a single UUID or a bulk set.

What Makes Version 1 UUIDs Unique?

Version 1 UUIDs combine the timestamp with the MAC address of the generating device to ensure uniqueness. This timestamp tracks time down to 100-nanosecond intervals since October 15, 1582. Additionally, the clock sequence adds extra uniqueness, especially in cases where multiple UUIDs are generated quickly.

With up to 18 sextillion unique UUIDs possible per node, collisions are extremely rare, making Version 1 a reliable option for generating unique identifiers.

If you're looking for an alternative that allows for sorted UUIDs by creation time, consider exploring our Version 6 UUID generator, which is built on similar principles but offers enhanced sorting functionality.

Meet Alexia Reynolds. She loves to write about AI, new technology, and staying healthy. Alexia is known for her work on FromToTools, where she shares the latest trends in these areas. She also enjoys traveling and is passionate about creating content that everyone can enjoy and learn from.