UUID Generator V4


Generate and Format Version 4 UUIDs Easily

This handy utility helps you generate Version 4 (random) UUIDs and gives you options to format them according to your needs. Whether you're a developer working on a project or just someone who needs a quick and unique identifier, our tool is here to help.

What is a UUID?

UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier. It’s a 128-bit identifier commonly used in software development to ensure that entities (like database entries, objects, or even Minecraft users!) are uniquely identifiable across space and time. Our tool specifically generates Version 4 UUIDs, which are randomly generated, providing a high level of uniqueness.

How Does It Work?

  1. Generate UUIDs:
    Simply press the "Generate" button, and the tool will create random Version 4 UUIDs.

  2. Customize the Format:
    • Uppercase Toggle: Want your UUIDs in uppercase? Just toggle the "Uppercase" button.

    • Include/Exclude Hyphens: By default, UUIDs include hyphens for easy readability, but you can remove them by turning off the "Include Hyphens" toggle.

  3. Bulk Generation: Need more than one UUID? Adjust the number of UUIDs to generate multiple at once.

  4. Download or Copy: Once you've generated your UUIDs, you can download them as a text file or copy them directly to your clipboard using the "Download" and "Copy" buttons.

Why Version 4 UUIDs?

Version 4 UUIDs are based on random number generation. This randomness makes them ideal for situations where uniqueness is essential but doesn't need to be derived from specific data like time or machine identifiers. Each Version 4 UUID contains 122 bits of random information, making it extremely unlikely to generate the same UUID twice. There are 5.3 undecillion possible UUIDs, which is a huge number, so you won’t run out anytime soon!

The structure of a UUID looks like this: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Here, the "M" indicates the version (which is 4 in this case), and the "N" indicates the variant. The randomness of the other parts ensures the uniqueness.

Did You Know?

UUID Version 4 is also used in popular games like Minecraft to identify users uniquely across servers. So, when you see your unique identifier in the game, it’s a Version 4 UUID working in the background!

Technical Information

In Version 4 UUIDs, the most significant 4 bits of the seventh byte indicate that the UUID adheres to version 4. This means that the first hexadecimal digit in the third group of characters always starts with a '4'. The variant, encoded in the upper bits of the next group, determines the structure. For most UUIDs, 122 bits are completely random, ensuring a high degree of uniqueness.

You can learn more about other UUID versions like Version 3 UUIDs, which are generated using hashing techniques. Interestingly, Version 4 UUIDs are sometimes used as input to generate Version 3 UUIDs, combining randomness with hashing.

Meet Alexia Reynolds. She loves to write about AI, new technology, and staying healthy. Alexia is known for her work on FromToTools, where she shares the latest trends in these areas. She also enjoys traveling and is passionate about creating content that everyone can enjoy and learn from.